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Sign up now to skate in the CCRD Merry Mash-Up on December 16th!

Confluence Crush


The Merry Mash-Up is from approximately 10am - 7pm on Saturday, December 16th at the St. Clair County Center in Belleville IL.  Schedule will be posted closer to the event.

Register now for beginner and intermediate co-ed mash-up bouts, or for a junior bout level 2 and 3.  6 bouts will be played that day (1 junior, 2 beginner, 2 intermediate and 1 mixer of all levels).  Jersey colors will be Red and Green.  Registration fee is $20 without shirts, $35 with 1 shirt (includes your number printing on the back) and $45 with 2 shirts (includes your number printing on the back).

To register:

1) Click here and fill out the registration form.

2) Pay for your registration via PayPal to (send money friends or family), or visit our tickets page here to pay with a credit card online.

3) Tell your friends and family to come watch you kick ass! Spectator tickets can be purchased online on our tickets page ($15 for all day passes [adults and kids 10 and up], $5 for kids under 10, free for kids 2 and under) or at the door the day of the event. 

Check out or event on Facebook and let your teammates know you're going!